The Basics

MOTHER’S DAY OUT Mother’s Day Out is available to children ages six weeks through pre-kindergarten, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (follows Rapides Parish school schedule and is available through the summer months, except during the week of Vacation Bible School). The cost is $115 per month and the registration fee is $30. Please provide lunch, favorite pillow, and blanket for nap time. Please mark everything with the child’s name. This ministry is available to members and non-members of Kingsville Baptist Church. Please call the church office to register. Age appropriate learning environment includes Bible stories, games, activities, and circle time. They learn letters, colors, numbers, etc.  For details, call 318-640-0952.
PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT (Click here to register) – Parents’ Night Out is the first Friday of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for children six weeks through sixth grade. This is provided for church members and prospective members at no charge. Please call the office to register your child by the Wednesday before. Games, crafts, movies, snacks, and other fun activities are provided for your child.


SUNDAY SCHOOLSunday School begins every Sunday morning at 9:00 for birth through kindergarten. Age appropriate Bible stories, learning activities, and crafts are provided to introduce them to God’s love and His word.
PRESCHOOL CHOIRThe four year olds through kindergarten choir begins on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The children learn songs and about rhythm instruments through games and activities. This meets during the school year. The four year olds through kindergarten choir begins on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The children learn songs and about rhythm instruments through games and activities. This meets during the school year.
MISSION FRIENDS Mission Friends, for children four years old through kindergarten, meets on Sundays at 5:15 p.m. They learn about missions and missionaries through stories, activities, and games.
TEAMKIDTeamKid meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. There are classes for three through five year olds. TeamKid is a blend of activity and discipleship in interactive learning and Bible memory.
Gradeschool Children

SUNDAY SCHOOL – Sunday School begins every Sunday morning at 9:00 for first through sixth graders in the children’s building (the 2-story building behind the adult education building). CHILDREN’S CHOIR – The children’s choirs meet on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 in the children’s building. There is a choir for the first through third graders and a choir for the fourth through sixth graders. They regularly have the opportunity to perform during worship services. This program meets during the time public school is in session. GIRLS IN ACTION (GAs for girls) / ROYAL AMBASSADORS

(RAs for boys) – GA’s & RA’s meet on Sunday evenings at 5:15 during the school year. At this time, the children learn about the importance of missions and work on mission projects.
TEAMKID – TeamKid meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The children are divided into respective age groups by school grades. TeamKid is a blend of activity and discipleship in interactive learning and Bible memory

CHILDREN’S CAMP & DAY CAMPERS– Children’s Camp is a 5-day camp dedicated to reaching children through Bible study, music, arts and crafts, swimming, and lots of fun. For this week – First and second grades are day campers.

The van picks them up at 7:30 a.m. and returns to the church at 6:00 p.m. Third through sixth grades leave Sunday afternoon and return around noon on Thursday. The camp is held at the Tall Timbers Retreat Center in Woodworth and is normally around the 4th of July weekend.